If you’re interested in content that provides valuable insight and helps you make smarter decisions on behalf of your customers, you’ve come to the right place. A few times each month, we’ll share tips, success stories, product information and other topics related to light poles and lighting. We’ll even be happy to address your specific questions in this forum. Just email them to info@polemfg.com with the subject line “General Structures, Inc. Blog.” If we publish your question, we’ll send you a free gift!
You can trust that we’ll be working to create a blog you can turn to as a reliable resource. And we hope it’ll be information you’ll be proud to share with others in your office and industry.
By the way, our regular emails and weekly Friday Fodder will continue. If you ever have questions about our innovative products and services, or you’d like help with winning a bid or any other aspect of your work, please let us know. Call 586-774-6105 or contact us.